Thursday, April 3, 2008


I know it's a shock that I'm writing right now. I have about three minutes to share a cute story about the crazy things Caroline has to say. Today is the 40 anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King and it reminded me of what she said on MLK day in January.
We had the day off school and work and Caroline suddenly piped up and said, "Oh yeah. It's Dr. Abraham Lincoln Jr.'s birthday today!" We all started to laugh and so she said, "What? He had a dream!"
There. I did it! I blogged for the first time in over two months!


VivaLasFloyds said...

Well holy freakin cow!

Jen@eighteen25 said...

welcome back!! haha...

caroline is a very funny girl...

Michelle said...

Dear Ripchik,

I think you're awesome. Caro-LION too! (She's so cute!)

Your very forgetful visiting teaching partner! (GOSH we have got to find time to get together on that!)

Brad and Leslie said...

What a cutie pie! I miss you Jolynn (but not as much as Zoë does).

Brianna said...

We love your Caroline. I think Emma's going to have some serious withdrawls when we move :D Oh, this is Brianna, by the way. You can check out Benjamin, Emma, and Joseph here: