Katelynn at 9 months. I love this picture. Chubby cheeks!!
She loves the beach! She loves anything outdoors!

This was taken last month by her friend Aly. So pretty!
That infectious laugh!
Doing what she loves:)
Our Sweet Girl is growing up.

This was taken last month by her friend Aly. So pretty!

Well I've been the terrible blogger as of late.....but we had a birthday!!!
Our Sweet Kate is now 15-years-old. Wow! Time flies when you're having fun! We had a rough start with Katelynn. Her health was fine, but she was a beastly child until the age of five. I think Kindergarten cured a lot of her monster issues. I used to be terrified when she woke up in the morning....afraid to talk to her....afraid to look....she was not a morning person. But she had such a sweet smile, and her voice was so cute.....just watch out! The beast would rear it's ugly head at any given moment. I love to tease her about those monstrous days. She's soooo sweet now that nobody believes me:)
Some things I admire about Katelynn:
She's the hardest working teenager I know. Always studying, helping in the kitchen, running, dancing, but........never cleaning her room:)
Kate started running last summer and completed her first 1/2 marathon in January. We were so proud of her. She battled sore knees, hot weather, cold weather, early mornings (she doesn't like those), and bad shoes (dumb mom didn't believe she had bad feet that needed extra supportive shoes to the tune of $110).
When Katelynn makes up her mind to do something, it's done! She doesn't let fear, fatigue or anything keep her from her goal. It doesn't matter what time it is when she goes to bed, she will study her scriptures because she made up her mind to never go to bed until it's done.
Such a funny girl. That infectious laugh keeps us all laughing. She sees the humor in everything and sometimes can't stop laughing! She's always smiling. Love her smile:)
It's so nice to have Katelynn around the house. Most Thursdays, when I'm teaching dance, she will cook dinner. She will poke her head in my class and ask what's for dinner, and by the time I'm finished, she has it on the table. She does Caroline's hair better than I ever could. She can tell when I'm tired and will offer to warm up my dance class so I can grab a quick snack or sit down a minute. She's such a blessing!
She has one addiction......gum! Never leave your chewing gum unattended with Kate around.
Katelynn has such a funny routine. She will start out doing her homework, then she's at the piano, back to homework, then the computer, back to homework, grabbing a snack, back to homework, stealing my gum, and the whole process continues throughout the night. When I try to tell her to focus, she will say, "I'm sorry. I have ADD!"
So Happy Birthday to my Sweet Katelynn. She will be able to get her drivers permit in six months and she can't wait. But No. I will not be purchasing a new car. You better hope Braeden's car lives. I love you!
She looks just like Caroline when she was younger. I can't believe the 6 month thing, at least you'll have another driver. Happy Birthday Kate.
happy birthday to katelynn!!
she was way too cute as a baby and toddler to be all that stuff you said. :) haha.
Oh I just love that girl! She is so talented and so fun to be around!! Happy Birthday miss Katelynn!! :)
I can't believe she grew up so fast!
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